Appearances/School and Library Visits
~ School visit, New Rochelle, NY grades 1-8. March 2025
~ Featured in Rex Miller’s upcoming documentary WELCOME TO FOREST HILLS (Air date TBD)
~ Sat. September 23, 2023 Rye Children’s Book Festival, Westchester Children’s Museum 10-4pm
~ Sat. September 30, 2023 Chappaqua Children’s Book Festival, Chappaqua Train Station 10-4
~ MARCH 14 2022
Through Women Writing Women’s Lives & City University of New York
Sally is Dorothy O. Helly Works-in-Progress guest lecturer.
Speaking about her forthcoming biography: UNMATCHED: The Spectacular Life and Career of Little Mo Connolly, American Tennis Legend.
~ September 28, 2022 Westfield Memorial Library HALE SPEAKER SERIES Sept 28 7PM “A WRITER’S LIFE”
~ Rye Book Festival Saturday October 1, 2022 10-4, Rye, NY
~ Chappaqua Children’s Book Festival, Saturday October 15 10-4.
Fiske Field, with Shelter Island Bucks
Ryebrook Book Festival, Wainwright House
Sleepy Hollow Lit Fest
Summer Book Fest
Westchester Mall
Father’s Day signing
Scattered Books
Chappaqua NY
San Diego Festival of Books
Moderating NATURE RULES panel with authors Richard Halsey, Lucy Warren and Nan Sterman
Chappaqua Children’s Book Festival
Nonfiction panel “Keeping It Real”
Texas Book Festival
Princeton Book Festival
Chappaqua Book Festival
Millbrook Book Festival
Numerous Schools and Libraries
The Corner Bookstore
Hickory Stick Bookstore
Barnes and Noble
and many others
Sally enjoys visiting schools and libraries, teaching creative writing to elementary students and attending book festivals.
She is available to talk to a wide range of age groups since I write picture books, middle grade, YA and books for adults. She enjoys Zoom sessions, too.
Generally for school visits, she has 3 large-group assemblies during a school day: a 35-minute presentation for K-1, a 45-minute presentation for grades 2-3 and 4-5/6. Each assembly includes a power point and related activities. She signs and personalizes books.
Barbara Shostal, the librarian at Hunter College Elementary School New York City, expresses this about one of Sally’s many visits there:
“It was magical and educational having Sally visit our school. It was great to have her both talk about her work, make it accessible to the children, yet show them the importance of having talent and passion.”
Angela Perna, Librarian at St. Hilda's St. Hughes in NYC says about Sally's most recent visit: "Students got to see the journey that a book takes before the audience gets to read it, from generating an idea, to writing, revising, and editing, to partnering with an illustrator, to finding a publisher and selling the book."
Book sales
Sally encourage schools and libraries to coordinate book sales prior to her visit. Whenever possible, please arrange for these book sales through your local bookstore. Please contact Sally directly for more information at or use the form below.